Friday, January 8, 2010

Fatty Friday Issue #22: From Minnesota, With Love (Continued)

Yay wild rice soup! Here's something I learned from making a batch this week: maybe cook the rice first.

The soup was good. Several sources responded positively. But. The rice needs to cook until tender - my opinion. Who knew wild rice was so tough? Guess I should have known, since its such a hearty breed of grain; all complicated and hard shelled. Just like those quiet, strong midwestern boys. Ahem.

All I'm saying is, when you try it, make the soup in different batches. The broth in one pot. The roux in another (with some of the broth), the rice boiling in another and the chicken and veggies sauteeing in a pan all by themselves. Then add everything into the broth pot and let simmer, finally adding the sherry and the half and half. Oh, you will love this soup. Trust!

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