Friday, October 16, 2009

Fatty Friday Issue #19: Pumpcakes!

Ah, the noble pumpkin. Each October this star of the squash family gets a chance to shine. The pumpkin has been around for a while. The Greeks called it "pepon." The Native Americans called it "isquotersquas." The English called it "pumpion" and the pilgrims settled on the current form of the word.* I call it delicious and useful. Did you know that the Chinese supposedly use pumpkin seeds as anti-depressants?

What a vegetable! So, to celebrate this amazing squash, today's issue is dedicated to pumpkin cupcakes. I found this recipe at smittenkitchen - one of my fave food blogs - and it is really simple. The only addition I made was adding candy corn to the tops of each cupcake.

The cake is spicy, sweet and light, and the frosting is creamy with a warm, maple flavor, just oozing "fall". Plus, they are a perfect treat for a halloween party or for breakfast or dessert with coffee. Yum! Thank you, pumpkin!


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