Friday, October 23, 2009

Fatty Friday Issue #20: What to Eat? Everything!

I'm having a hard time deciding what to feature this week. Do I write about the butternut-bacon soup I made with the man the other night? (Butternut squash and bacon are good friends, it turns out.) Or, do I wait until next week to discuss the food explosion that will be this weekend. It's a weekend away with friends, and food is featured prominently in the activities... decisions, decisions.

Well, for now, I'll share this really easy recipe for butternut bacon soup.
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You'll need the following ingredients:
one medium sized squash, Trader Joe's sells them pre-cut and packaged (chop into small pieces)
one medium sized vidalia or yellow onion (chopped)
two to three cloves of garlic (diced)
one cup of chicken or vegetable (or really, whatever you prefer) broth
one cup water
1/2 cup of dry white wine
two tablespoons heavy cream (or more, to taste)
four slices of bacon
one tsp sugar

To begin, brown the bacon. Remove from the pan and drain some of the fat. Use the remaining fat to brown the onions and garlic. Once they are translucent, add some olive oil or butter and the squash. Sautee until bright orange, then add a little of the broth and white wine. Once the squash is soft, puree it in a food processor along with the bacon. Once the entire pan has been pureed, pour into a pot along with the rest of the broth and the water. Let this simmer for a bit - you may want to add more broth or water for a thinner soup. Once it is hot and boiling a bit, turn off the heat, season with salt, pepper, maybe some cayenne, and the sugar. Then add the heavy cream, stir and serve with crusty bread and glasses of white wine. Yum!

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