Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Yes you can. But why would you?

Perhaps you've heard of a blog called This is Why You're Fat*. And perhaps, like me, you've vomited a little bit in your mouth while looking at the photos. Also, like me, you may have said to yourself: "Yes, self, I could wrap hot dogs in bacon, deep fry them and serve them in warm twinkie buns. But why?" I've considered that more than once.

This photo made me kinda vom in my mouth:
Secret Treasure Loaf A loaf of ground Spam cubes with a Velveeta cheese center topped with a layer of hot Velveeta. (via flickr)
It's not the velveeta. No, velveeta and I have a long-standing, not-in-any-way-secret love affair that has been raging for years. Especially when I want to recreate mom's good ol' tuna casserole. Nothing does it better. Who loves ya, velveeta baby?

It's the spam. There's something...unearthly about spam. The can, the look of the "meat": it all makes me feel kind of icky. I've never tried it, though. I'm like the child who's convinced she won't like broccoli, despite the fact that she's never even tasted it.

Also, to me, this spam/cheese brick looks like it would make bubbly, squishy sounds when sliced. And look at the way it chunks off on the left side of the plate... Ugh, my eyes hurt.

* I love the site - totally entertaining.


    That looks so terrifying!
    I almost want to hide under the covers.
    Thanks for your readership, I'll put you on my blogroll lady!

  2. The blueberry mini-tart you brought me was unbelievably deelicious. Thanks! Now here's my thought: blueberry-velveeta squisherole? Highway to happiness.
